Speaking to a few Indian journalists here at the ongoing 78th Geneva Motor Show, on the sidelines of the unveiling function for the Tata Nano, Mr Ratan Tata said, “Every decision must be based on the demand for the car. If we cannot meet it, we will look at licensed manufacturing.”
In addition to compressing the gestation time for the launch of the Nano in overseas markets, licence manufacturing the car in important geographies will also go on to reduce costs involved in sourcing and logistics.
Speaking about the Nano’s plans for the domestic market, Mr Tata said that the company was considering the idea of distributed manufacturing for the Nano, where ‘easy-to-assemble kits’ can be sold to local entrepreneurs who can then assemble and sell the car at their end in pre-defined locations.
1 comment:
I think TATA nano a small car of India. this car success on city traffic but unsuccess on long root.
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